Tuesday, June 28, 2022

¿Que es la tasa de interés? | Dinerazo

¿Qué es la tasa de interés?

La tasa de interés es el costo para pedir dinero prestado, es por esto por lo que todos los préstamos, sea hipoteca, tarjeta de crédito, préstamo de auto, etc. tienen una tasa asociada. 

Los bancos cobran intereses para compensar el riesgo. Cuando hacen un préstamo, asumen el riesgo de que el prestatario no pagará lo mismo y para asumir ese riesgo cobran un porcentaje del valor que están prestando.  

También cobran un interés porque el dinero siempre debe estar generando un retorno. Es importante saber que cuanto más riesgoso el banco considere el préstamo, más alto será la tasa de interés.   

Conocer cómo funciona las tasas de interés es primordial para saber cuánto te costará un préstamo, a continuación, lo veremos en algunos ejemplos: 

Ejemplo #1: Préstamo de $1,000 con tasa de interés de 10% por un año, eso le costara $100, así que pagaras $100 para ese préstamo, más el principal (los $1,000 que pediste prestado).   

Ejemplo #2: Préstamo de $2,000 con tasa de interés de 5% por un año.  Este préstamo costará $100, más el principal de $2,000. 

Como puedes ver, en el segundo ejemplo, el monto prestado fue el doble, pero como la tasa de interés fue más baja, el costo fue igual que el primero. 

Finalmente, en el caso en el que seas la persona prestando, los principios del interés funcionan de la misma manera, por ejemplo, en tu cuenta de ahorro, con un bono, o si le prestas dinero a un amigo o familiar.  En tal caso, tú serás el que cobra por ese préstamo y el que recibe el interés.

Distintos tipos de inversiones de ingreso fijo tendrán distintas tasas de interés dependiendo del riesgo que tu estás asumiendo con esa inversión.   

Una cuenta de ahorro te va a pagar una tasa baja, ya que se considera bien seguro; mientras un bono para un país emergente tendrá un retorno más alto debido al riesgo asociado con invertir en un país emergente.   

Recuerda que en nuestra web podrás encontrar calculadoras que te permitirán calcular las tasas de interés en diferentes tipos de préstamos.   

Dinerazo ofrece educación Financiera e Inversiones totalmente gratis. Somos la primera aplicación de educación financiera gratuita en Español. Nuestra meta es ayudar a la comunidad latina a crear su propia riqueza y mantener control sobre sus finanzas personales.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Propiedades Multifamiliares en Miami

Propiedades Multifamiliares en Miami

¿Qué es una propiedad multifamiliar?
Una propiedad o casa multifamiliar es un edificio único que está configurado para albergar a más de una familia que vive por separado. Eso puede ir desde un dúplex, que tiene dos viviendas dentro de un solo edificio, hasta casas o pequeños edificios de apartamentos con hasta cuatro unidades.

¿Es la propiedad multifamiliar una buena inversión?
La propiedad multifamiliar se considera una inversión bastante "segura" en comparación con otras clases de activos inmobiliarios. Eso es porque incluso durante una recesión económica, la gente necesita un lugar para vivir. De hecho, durante una recesión, muchas personas se ven obligadas a vender sus casas y mudarse a viviendas de alquiler.

Ejemplos de viviendas multifamiliares incluyen una casa con ático o garaje convertida en un espacio habitable con cocina y baño, propiedades de unidades múltiples con dos, tres o cuatro unidades, y complejos y edificios de departamentos de tamaño mediano y grande.

¿Qué buscar al comprar una casa multifamiliar?

Con cualquier unidad multifamiliar, ciertas características clave hacen que la propiedad sea una buena inversión. Sin embargo, los inversionistas potenciales también deben consultar con un agente de bienes raíces calificado acerca de las propiedades en su área antes de comprar una nueva propiedad.

Estas son algunas de las cosas principales que debe buscar:

La ubicación de la propiedad será uno de los factores más importantes que influirá en la facilidad de encontrar inquilinos. También determinará lo que puede cobrar en términos de alquiler. Investigue y encuentre una propiedad en una ubicación deseable.
Ingresos potenciales por alquiler

¿Qué puede ganar de manera realista en términos de ingresos por alquiler? 
Haga los cálculos y averigüe lo que necesitará ganar para pagar la hipoteca, financiar posibles reparaciones, etc.

Número de unidades

Obviamente, cuantas más unidades tenga la propiedad, más inquilinos potenciales podrá alquilar. Averigüe cuál es la cantidad deseada de unidades, dado su presupuesto y lo que espera ganar.

El vendedor de la propiedad

Y finalmente, debe buscar a la persona que vende la propiedad. ¿Tienen antecedentes de cuidar bien la propiedad?

¡Si quieres tu asesoría y guía GRATIS solo necesitas regístrate AQUÍ! 


Yo te puedo dar una Asesoraría totalmente gratis para encontrar el Financiamiento que más se ajusta a tus necesidades, y que logres comprar la Casa de tus sueños. Me puedes llamar o escribir por WhatsApp, Email, o mediante mi sitio web, y estaré listo para ayudarte.

Jose Diaz - Loan Officer
📲 +1 (480) 707-9910
📧 jdiaz@prmg.net
🔗 https://josediaz.us

🏦 8333 NW 53 Street, Suite 600, Doral, FL 33166 

#propiedadesmultifamiliares #realestate #inversionesenmiami

Monday, August 16, 2021

Third Round of Economic Impact Payments Status Available email from IRS

Third Round of Economic Impact Payments Status Available email from IRS

S C A M   A L E R T!

If you receive an email like this one
"BE AWARE" is a "SCAM"

Friday, June 11, 2021

Step-by-step Guide of Affiliate Marketing Strategy


Making money from affiliate marketing is an art. Only writing a great product review or promoting a great product will not work to make any sales from your affiliate links. But you have to do many other things to make money from your affiliate links.

Most of the Blog and website owners think that writing a great product review will work. But this is not enough. You need a perfect Affiliate Marketing Strategy and MUST work on it to generate sales from your links.

Here is a Affiliate Marketing Strategy Model. You can simply print out this page or save it on your desktop.

Step 1: Take Time (10-20 hours or even more) to chose a product to promote and write down a great, unique, and informative product review. This is very important.

Step 2: Become an Affiliate of ClickBank, Amazon, or Commission Junction and generate an affiliate link for your product and put it on your review page and publish it on your website or a blog. Now, suppose if you are not the owner of any website or a blog then it's also perfectly alright. You can post your review on Squidoo, HubPages, WetPaints, and other sites of that nature.

Remember, all we need to do is publish your web page containing your affiliate link anywhere on the web and divert the web traffic towards it.

Step 3: Link Building: This is very important. Your Affiliate link is live now. The only thing you have to do is drive web traffic towards it (the more the better). For this, you have to create and publish the content on other popular websites on the Internet and then put a link of your affiliate page.

Examples are EzineArticles, Squidoo, HubPages, WetPaint, YouTube, Xomba, eHow, WikiHow, Triond, Associated Content, Knol... etc...

Post content having your affiliate link page link on each of the above websites.

Step 4: Social Media: Try Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon & Reditt to divert more web traffic towards your affiliate links.

Step 5: Now sit back and wait for the web traffic to accelerate. This will probably take 1 week to 15 days to drive web traffic towards your affiliate page.

Once the web traffic comes toward your page, you will definitely make money.

This is the Model of Affiliate Marketing Strategy. Nobody will teach you this.
Done For You Services Affiliate Marketing System - HOT OFFER! 🔥

Affiliate Marketing Secrets

Secrets of Successful & Profitable Affiliate Marketing

In fact, after reading this article, you will understand that there is no secret at all. But everything about affiliate marketing revolves around the one basic principle and that is:

"To make money from affiliate marketing, you have to drive more web traffic towards your affiliate links."

The more web traffic you divert towards your affiliate links, the more sales it will generate and the more money you will make. It is this simple. And I believe you should not spend money on those products which claim that they are offering you some kind of secret.

Once you generate an affiliate link on your website or a blog, all you have to do is divert more and more web traffic towards those affiliate links by Twitter, Facebook, Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Reddit, Articles Directories, SEO and many other things.

The more web traffic that you divert towards your affiliate links, the more sales it will generate. There is nothing secret about it. Even a School going Kid can do this to make 6 figure Income every year by following this basic principle.

What is important, is the proper mindset. You have to understand the principle and develop a mind frame and stick to it and prevent this mind frame by eroding from your emotions. That's it. This is all you have to do to make money from affiliate marketing.

You don't have to be a popular product review writer for this. Nor do you need to be the owner of an Authority Blog or a Website. Of course, if you are an owner of a successful blog or a website, it will be easy for you to make money from affiliate marketing because you can leverage your existing reader/customer base.

Thus, these are the secrets of successful affiliate marketing.

Now, Take Action and start making money.

Affiliate Marketing Courses

Done For You Services Affiliate Marketing System - HOT OFFER! 🔥

Let me tell you that all of those eBooks are revolving around the one basic core principle. And this Principle of making money from Affiliate marketing will never even change in the near future. And that Principle is:

"The Key of Successful Affiliate Marketing is Web traffic. The more web traffic you divert towards your Affiliate Links from all around the web, Naturally more Sales it will generate and the more money you will make."

Everything about Affiliate marketing ultimately revolves around this simple but very basic principle. You will find literally millions of eBooks on this topic. All of those eBooks are written around this basic principle. So if you understand this basic principle, there is No Need to buy any eBooks.

I have given you the principle of profitable aff. marketing right? So Now, you have to use your mind and figure out "How to Divert more web traffic towards your Affiliate Links?" Lets discuss the example provided below:

Suppose I want to make money from Affiliate marketing so What Will I Do? Well, First of all I go to ClickBank.com and chose a product to sell. Well, I advise you to start from Digital Downloadable products first, this is because they are easy to deliver and the commission per sale is very high (20-75%) in these products.

OK so now I have chosen the product. So the next step is to create an Affiliate Link. So What will I do? Well, I will write a keyword rich Product review having affiliate link and post it on my blog or a website. Or any other social network that we have discussed earlier.

After that process, the affiliate link is on the web. It's live now. So your 50% of the job is complete. The rest of the 50% is to divert the web traffic towards your blog/social network/website page on which you have put the affiliate link.

You can do this several ways.

One is Link Building. There are 2 advantages of link building. One is that they will divert more traffic towards your web page as well as it will increase the search engine rankings of your web page so drive organic (Search engine) traffic.

For this you have to write down and post articles on various 5,6, & 7 Page rank articles directories such as:

- EzineArticles
- Squidoo
- HubPages
- WetPaint
- YouTube
- Xomba
- Triond
- Knol
- eHow

You post articles on the above web directories. This is because Google simply loves and trusts these websites. So if each of these websites direct towards your web page having affiliate links, it will shoot up the page rank and thus more web traffic.

Now, the second way to drive more traffic towards your websites is Social Networking & the third way is Social Media. Here are the examples:

- Facebook
- Orkut
- MySpace
- Digg
- Delicious
- Stumbleupon
- Reddit

In short, you have to use your mind to find out more and more possible ways to divert the web traffic towards your affiliate links. Once you do all of this hard work. Just sit back and enjoy the steady passive income coming into your bank accounts.

Facebook Affiliate Marketing

How to Make Passive Income from Facebook Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing means selling other people's products from your web properties (Blogs & Websites) and getting commission for each sale you make. Many people have asked me: "How they can make money from Facebook Affiliate Marketing?"

Well, As far as I know, there is not any direct method of doing affiliate marketing on Facebook. But let's go to the basics and find out how we use Facebook to do affiliate marketing?

What is the Basic Principle behind Successful Affiliate Marketing?

Well, the basic principle of profitable affiliate marketing is - "The more web traffic you divert towards your Affiliate Links (Web pages having your affiliate links), the more Sales your affiliate links will generate."

This is the basic principle of Affiliate marketing and every theory and techniques of profitable affiliate marketing revolves around this simple basic principle.

Now, here we want to make money from Facebook affiliate marketing. So obviously, we need to find out the ways to divert traffic from Facebook to our affiliate links. Is this Possible? Well, Yes. There are several ways by which you can divert the web traffic on Facebook to your affiliate links.

Say for Example, Fan pages, Comments, News Feeds, Facebook applications, Direct Advertising on Facebook... etc...

By these methods, you can easily divert web traffic from Facebook to your own web property having affiliate links. The more web traffic that you divert to your affiliate links, the more sales it will generate and thus the more money you will make.

However, There is only one problem with Social Networking sites traffic and that is the traffic of social networking sites is not a buyer's traffic. They are there on the Social Network for being Social. So making money from Social Network traffic is really a difficult task.

And for Affiliate Links to work, you need the Buyer's Traffic.

Done For You Services Affiliate Marketing System - HOT OFFER! 🔥

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Pressure Washing Company | 9875 NW 25th Terrace Miami, FL 33172

Pressure Washing Company Miami

We offer Pressure Washing Service. Industrial, Commercial, and Residential.
We've been in business since 1988. Licensed & Insured. Our crew will show up on time and get the job done quickly. We are always ready to work.

A-1 Maintenance Services
9875 NW 25th Terrace
Miami, FL 33172
(305) 962-8090